Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Contents of Blogs

You can choose many different types of content to your blog, eg.; diary of your daily activities, something topical that you would like to share with others, something funny, or maybe your holiday's pictures. Just remember that when you give title to your post, name it with popular term. For example: the secret of happy marriage.
It is also wise to link those idea with other bloggers' website. The reason is for the search engine to be able to pick up some traffic from the search engines.
However, a word of warning "don't be discourage" when the traffic volume is low.

There are analytics package that company offer, eg.; goole offers Google anaylytics free of charge. It provides data concerning how many people visit your blog during a selected period of time; how many page your visitors viewed in your blog; how many minutes they spend on your site. This can be a measurement for you to identify how you are doing.

Tips for bloggers

I started learning to blog months ago but didn't find time to continue. Talking to friends how they are going helping me to motivate myself continue learning. Finding it good to learn new things when you have encouragement. Here is my finding of learning this new program.

Blogging can be used as a source of advertising or marketing a product or services, eg.: For childcare, school, business and libraries.
There are few tips that need to be remembered to make the blogging successful.
1. The content. Generally, 200 words is good length, not too much information at once and not too short to have any meaningful content.
2. The frequency of posting. It needs to be at least once a day. Otherwise, the reader lost interest waiting for the new news.
3. Aesthetic design of the page. The background colour and the foreground need to balance and creates a pleasant look.
4. Easy to use and search.
5. Stay on the point, don't stray off the topic.
5. Follow the code of conduct, no rude or offensive comments.